Southington Forest Preserve

Project Profile

Project Location

Trumbull County, Ohio

Project Operator

West Creek Conservancy

Project Type


Project Credits


Credit Availability


Project Contact

Brett Rodstrom, Director of Conservation,

West Creek Conservancy protected just over 34 acres of mature, upland hardwood forest within a larger 43-acre property in Southington Township, Trumbull County, OH.  By enrolling the property in a carbon project, West Creek Conservancy aims to protect at-risk forest resources to promote watershed health and expand public greenspace access.

The Southington Forest Preserve is a mix of impressive upland hardwoods including hickory, oaks, beech, and sugar maples. The property lies right along US Route 422 and is zoned primarily for commercial use, with a smaller section also zoned residential/agriculture. As part of the carbon project, West Creek Conservancy will record a deed restriction to permanently preserve this high-quality forested in perpetuity. Protecting these trees protects an important buffer to the headwaters of the State Wild and Scenic Grand River, which is an important part of the natural heritage of Northeast Ohio.

West Creek Conservancy will also integrate the property into the organization’s guided nature hike series to promote public access and appreciation for the area’s natural resources. Revenue generated from the sale of carbon credits will support West Creek Conservancy’s ongoing stewardship and management of the property, as well as protection of additional forested carbon resources within the conservation organization’s service area.


Forest preservation projects not only reduce carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but provide ecosystem services or co-benefits that can be quantified. The co-benefits from this project represent a savings (avoided costs) of $78,136.32 per year, and $3,125,453 over 40 years.

  • Rain interception (stormwater management) – 17,492 m3/year, $36,970 per year
  • Air quality – 1.2068 t/yr, $2,975 per year
  • Energy – cooling (electricity) – 53,113 kWh/year, $7,441 per year
  • Energy – heating (natural gas) – 2,198,600 kBtu/year, $30,750 per year

Social Impacts

The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action and global partnership among all countries, representing key benchmarks for creating a better world and environment for everyone. Well-designed and managed urban forests make significant contributions to the environmental sustainability, economic viability and livability of cities.

The main SDGs for this project are described below, with more detailed information in the Project Design Document.

This forest will continue to provide ecosystem services to the Grand River Watershed more broadly. Educational opportunities at this site will allow the community to learn about the importance of conservation in the context of climate change.


The forest’s preservation will intercept 17,491 cubic meters or rainfall each year, and protect an important buffer to the headwaters of the Grand River. The Grand River is one of only three rivers in the state of Ohio to be designated as both Wild and Scenic.


This project supports habitat for a globally listed species, the West Virginia white butterfly, which has been identified on the property. Permanent protection of this forested tract will preserve necessary habitat for this vulnerable species.



Total Credits Issued: 6,216

  • 2024: 6,216 credits issued

Total Credits Sold: 0

Total Credits Retired: 0

Total Credits Cancelled: 0

Total Credits Available for Purchase: 6,216