Evergreen and East End Preservation

Project Profile

Project Location

Richmond, VA

Project Operator

Enrichmond Foundation

Project Type


Project Credits


Credit Availability


Project Contact

John Sydnor jsydnor@enrichmond.org

Enrichmond Foundation aims to improve forest health, increase awareness of the cultural and historical significance of Evergreen and East End cemeteries, and create a safe, inviting place for the community. 

The 65-acre project area comprises two adjacent historic African American burial grounds founded in the 1890s in the East End of Richmond, VA. Together, the two cemeteries provide a resting place for over 25,000 individuals who contributed in important ways to the city’s – and the nation’s – vibrant social, political, intellectual, and religious life. UNESCO has recognized the value of this sacred site and awarded an official designation as “a site of memory associated with the Slave Route Project”—one of the first in the world.

After decades of neglect, volunteers began chipping away at recovering both cemeteries and created a plan to restore and protect the forested site. Evergreen and East End cemetery serve as a powerful monument to black achievement, community life, and family bonds.

Enrichmond hosts weekly volunteer cleanups at Evergreen Cemetery and organizes public community input sessions. The Executive Planning and Review Team advisory board guides the long-term restoration process and is composed of local stakeholders including descendant family members, long time volunteers, and representatives from African American historical and cultural institutions. 

The properties are important natural and cultural assets of the community, state, and nation. The revenue from the sale of Carbon+ Credits will provide long-term funding to support volunteer events, maintenance, and rehabilitation efforts.

The preservation of the 65-acre oak-hickory forest at Evergreen and East End Cemeteries will provide cleaner air and water, stormwater management, and energy savings for the residents of Richmond.

The co-benefits from this site represent a total savings of $42,218 per year, and $1,688,735 over 40 years.

  • Rain interception: 11,512 m3/year, $30,112 per year
  • Air quality: 1.75 tons/year, $4,078 per year
  • Energy – cooling (electricity): 89,877 kWh/year, $6,821 per year
  • Energy – heating (natural gas): 42,373 kBtu/year, $440 per year
  • Avoided CO2 from energy savings: 38.3 tons/year, $766.13

Total Credit Issued: 5,376

  • 2020: 4,151 credits issued
  • 2021: 1,225 credits issued

Total Credits Sold: 5,300

  • 2020: 1,000 credits sold
  • 2021: 2,800 credits sold
  • 2022: 1,500 credits sold

Total Credits Retired: 1,001

  • 2020: 1,000 credits retired
  • 2024: 1 credit retired

Total Credits Cancelled: 0

Total Credits Available for Purchase: 76

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