Spring Creek Preserve

Project Profile

Project Location

Geauga County, OH

Project Operator

West Creek Conservancy

Project Type


Project Credits


Credit Availability


Project Contact

Brett Rodstrom, Director of Conservation, brett@westcreek.org

West Creek Conservancy protected 151 acres of forest within a larger 361-acre property in Montville Township, Geauga County, OH. Dubbed the Spring Creek Preserve, West Creek Conservancy identified the property as a priority conservation acquisition due to its high-quality natural resources combined with the risk of development of the property caused by its listing on the open market, its residential zoning, and land use conversion trends in area. Preserving the property as a carbon project will secure long-term maintenance funding for stewardship and management.

The Spring Creek Preserve forest is composed of three mature forest stands, predominated by hardwood species including red maple and sugar maple, American beech, tulip tree, black cherry and northern red oak. West Creek Conservancy acquired the property in October 2022 and encumbered it with an environmental covenant, protecting the trees in perpetuity from development and timber harvest.

West Creek Conservancy’s goal is to manage the property as a nature preserve, integrating the property into West Creek Conservancy’s guided nature hike series to promote public access and appreciation for the unique natural heritage of the area. Revenue generated from the sale of carbon credits will support West Creek Conservancy’s stewardship of the property, including invasive species removal and deer population management to protect and enhance the ecological quality of the forest. Ensuring the health of this forest will provide an important buffer for preserving and enhancing downstream quality within Spring Creek, Trumbull Creek, the Grand River, and ultimately Lake Erie.


Forest preservation projects not only reduce carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, but provide ecosystem services or co-benefits that can be quantified. The co-benefits from this project represent a savings (avoided costs) of $320,313 per year, and $12,812,529 over 40 years.

  • Rain interception (stormwater management) – 71,705 m3/year, $151,556 per year
  • Air quality – 4.9470 t/yr, $12,195 per year
  • Energy – cooling (electricity) – 217,732 kWh/year, $30,504 per year
  • Energy – heating (natural gas) – 9,012,973 kBtu/year, $126,058 per year

Social Impacts

The 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are an urgent call for action and global partnership among all countries, representing key benchmarks for creating a better world and environment for everyone. Well-designed and managed urban forests make significant contributions to the environmental sustainability, economic viability and livability of cities.

The main SDGs for this project are described below, with more detailed information in the Project Design Document.

This forest will continue to provide numerous ecosystem services, and habitats. It also provides buffer for the adjacent wetland, and preservers downstream water quality. The preserve will be integrated into West Creek Conservancy’s guided nature hike series.


With an estimated 71,705 cubic meters of rainfall intercepted annually within the project area, preserving the forest will protect downstream water quality in multiple streams, rivers, and lakes.


This project specifically provides habitat for a variety of species listed as threatened or endangered. The tremendous biodiversity found on the property will be further enhanced through ongoing stewardship efforts, including invasive species and deer population management.



Total Credits Issued: 4,978

  • 2024: 4,978 credits issued

Total Credits Sold: 0

Total Credits Retired: 0

Total Credits Cancelled: 0

Total Credits Available for Purchase: 4,978