Black Fork Planting Project

Project Profile

Project Location

Mifflin Township, Richland County, Ohio

Project Operator

Western Reserve Land Conservancy

Project Type


Project Credits


Credit Availability


Project Contact

Sarah Blakely, Grants Manager,

Western Reserve Land Conservancy (WRLC) planted approximately 62 acres of upland trees and 26 acres of wetland trees and shrubs, totaling 88 acres, in Mifflin Township, Richland County, Ohio. The plantings are part of the restoration plan for a 480-acre protected property that had been a working farm since 1959 until 2020 when they acquired the property. The Black Fork Planting Project will reforest a portion of the former agricultural fields as part of restoration efforts to create forest, meadow, and wetland habitat. This project, as part of the larger restoration effort, will have significant benefits for the region’s water quality, improve biodiversity, and benefit wildlife.

The upland areas were planted in the spring of 2023 with approximately 4,340 trees. Upland species include Ohio buckeye, shellbark hickory, swamp white oak, burr oak, and pin oak. The wetland areas were planted in the fall of 2023 with approximately 1,848 trees. Wetland species include pin oak, swamp white oak, eastern cottonwood, sycamore, and black walnut. Oak and hickory trees play a critical nutritional role for wildlife, and also help achieve the Ohio Forest Action Plan to sustain oak-dominated forests. This is WRLC’s first planting project within their Carbon Program portfolio. Links to some of their preservation projects are provided below.

More information coming soon.

Total Credits Issued: 1,337

  • 2024: 1,337 credits issued

Total Credits Sold: 0

Total Credits Retired: 0

Total Credits Cancelled: 0

Total Credits Available for Purchase: 1,337

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