City Forest Credits is holding a public comment period for updates to the City Forest Credits Standard Version 3.0.
The purpose of the proposed revisions is to increase clarity and ensure that the Standard is in line with international best practice. The public comment period runs from February 22, 2023 to March 22, 2023.
The following list provides a high-level overview of updates that are open for public comment. A more detailed summary of changes is available here.
Revisions to Standard Version 3
- Updates to the Protocol names and references from “Tree Planting” to “Afforestation and Reforestation”
- Clarification of Conflict of Interest Policy
- Revisions to public comment process
- Addition of Grievance Redress Mechanism
- Standardization of the approach for assessing, validating, and verifying no double counting of credits
City Forest Credits will use input received to revise the above topics and incorporate them into the Standard. Submit written comments via